Healthy Sleep Hygiene

Achieving restful and rejuvenating sleep is essential for overall well-being, and incorporating healthy sleep habits into your routine can significantly enhance the quality of your rest. First and foremost, taking a moment to evaluate your sleep hygiene and establishing a healthy routine can set you up for success. This article guides you in establishing a healthy sleep routine for optimal rest at night.


When I was younger every night I would get so excited to go to bed just so I could wake up and start a fresh new day. These days I still have that pizazz for the waking hours but I cherish every moment that I get of deep restful sleep as well. Being a new mom, I cherish the nights that I get to sleep straight through, even though they have been few and far between this past year and a half! When I talk about healthy sleep I want to know how many hours of uninterrupted rest someone is getting, not how many hours they have laid in bed. This can be quite a difference, rolling around restless making lists in your head for the next day is not counted for hours of good sleep!

Sleep hygiene refers to healthy habits that can promote the ability to sleep longer and deeper, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up refreshed and ready for the day! Sleep is a very important part of life and the journal Scientific American states that "Sleeping is an integral part of our life, and as research shows, it is incredibly complex. The brain generates two distinct types of sleep—slow-wave sleep (SWS), known as deep sleep, and rapid eye movement (REM), also called dreaming sleep. Most of the sleeping we do is of the SWS variety, characterized by large, slow brain waves, relaxed muscles, and slow, deep breathing, which may help the brain and body to recuperate after a long day."

Many of my patients do not get a full night of restful sleep, luckily Chinese Medicine is very effective in treating sleep disorders especially acupuncture and herbal medicine. These modalities can help to calm the nervous system and bring relaxation to the body and mind. They can also help address the underlying cause of poor sleep patterns. Remember that your behaviors during the day and activities in the evening have a large impact on the quality of your sleep as well.

Whether it is difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep through the night, or you are waking early, or waking tired, these tips hopefully will help you get more restful sleep!

sleeping cat

Tips for Good Sleep

Ensuring your sleep environment promotes rest involves keeping the room cool, dark, and quiet, and investing in a comfortable mattress and pillows for proper spinal alignment is an absolute game-changer. To enhance your sleep quality, limit screen exposure at least an hour before bedtime to avoid disrupting your natural sleep-wake cycle due to blue light. Additionally, being mindful of caffeine intake, steering clear of stimulants in the hours leading up to bedtime, and engaging in regular physical activity (preferably earlier in the day) can contribute to better sleep. Establishing a relaxing bedtime routine—such as reading, gentle stretching, or listening to calming music—sends signals to your body that it's time to wind down. Lastly, consider your food choices before bedtime, opting for light, easily digestible snacks if needed. By incorporating these tips into your nightly routine, you can create a conducive sleep environment, setting the stage for more restful and rejuvenating nights.

  • Avoid Stimulants

    This varies for each person but if you are struggling with poor sleep, stay away from caffeinated beverages and snacks after about 1-2 pm. If you are a person that is sensitive to caffeine try to eliminate them.

  • Get Regular Exercise

    Exercise will help keep the body fit, and help keep stress levels low. Stress tends to be one of the major causes of poor sleep.

  • Try to Keep a Regular Sleep Schedule

    Try to have a  "bedtime" and a wake-up time that stays relatively the same through the course of the week. I know due to work schedules, and busy life commitments this may be challenging but do your best!

  • Exposure to Natural Light

    Allowing your body to come more in alignment with the natural light cycle will help regulate your circadian rhythm and sleep cycle. I like to open the blinds first thing in the morning and sleep with blackout curtains at night.

  • Reserve Your Bedroom for Relaxation and Passion

    This means no cell phones, computers, or TV in bed. Decreasing these external distractions will help to promote an atmosphere more conducive to sleep and rest. 

  • Eat a Reasonable Dinner

    Eating too much or too late will cause the body to focus more on digesting than preparing to sleep through the night. A great rule is to try to eat within 12 hours of the day, especially if you are eating breakfast at a reasonable time. 

  • Don't Drink Excessive Fluids Before Bed

     Waking to urinate is a major nuisance and affects many people, so limit your liquid intake a few hours before bedtime. 

  • Soak your feet in warm water

    Soaking your feet before bed, especially with a few drops of lavender essential oil or Epsom salts can help to bring a sense of calm to your body and mind. 

  • Drink a cup of tea

    Some amazing herbs and herbal tea blends can help promote more restful nights, such as chamomile or passionflower, as well as a huge range of Chinese medicine herbal formulas to promote healthy sleep cycles.

  • Get a comfortable pillow

    This tip changed my life! I used to have a hard time getting comfortable or waking with a stiff neck, but then I got myself a foam-contoured pillow! Play around with pillow shapes, sizes, and materials. (I suggest thin and foam)

  • Try meditation

    Even five minutes a day, especially in the evening can help promote a sense of relaxation and wellbeing! Use this article to get started.

If you are still not sleeping well after applying all these changes, talk to a well-versed healthcare practitioner, or make an appointment and we can discuss more specific lifestyle changes and more in-depth herbal options...

Sweet Dreams!


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