Nothing is Impossible to Diet, Nature, and Spirit
Nutritional healing and herbal integration are the foundation of Wild Earth. Within our philosophy, the first step is to look at diet and lifestyle and make appropriate changes here before moving on to the next stage. We see what changes can be made by altering the diet and guiding/unblocking Qi with acupuncture. We then offer herbs to help bring the body back to the center.
Herbal Medicine
Herbal remedies can be administered by various forms such as bulk herbs boiled into teas, powered granulated herbs or premade tea pills. The beauty of Chinese Herbalism is that it focuses upon offering individualized formulas to meet your needs. Many of the herbs used are food and spices that are commonly know, yet others are more exotic roots, bark and minerals. Chinese Herbology is focused on the energetic qualities of the herbs such as temperature, taste, which meridians entered as well as synergistic relationship with other specific herbs.
Bulk Herbs & Teas
Bulk herbs are known to be the most effective form of medicine. The bulk substances are boiled into a tea, known as a decoction. THis is the best choice for short term conditions that are easily remedied.
Concentrated Granuale Herbal Extracts are one of the easiest forms of taking herbs. They are just mixed into hot water and drank. this allows formulas to still have the freedom to be indivudualized without the long cooking times of bulk firmulas .
Tea Pills
Tea pills are a very easy form of herbal medicine to take. The pills are smaller than the known capsules. They are great for more stubborn or chronic conditons or people on the go!
Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching
Whether you are dealing with digestive disorders, food sensitivities, metabolic syndrome, or healthy weight management, Wild Earth Medicine can help. Good digestion is essential to the body’s overall health and happiness. We will discuss your nutritional needs and lifestyle to customize a unique plan that will work best for you. This will be a conversation about habits, addictions, food sensitivities, meal planning, and optimizing energy through diet. Utilizing herbs, spices, and whole foods people begin to feel better sooner than they think!
Not in Portland Oregon ?! Distance nutritional counseling is also available!
Health and well-being can be achieved only by remaining centered in spirit, guarding against the misuse of energy, promoting the constant flow of qi and blood, maintaining a harmonious balance of yin and yang, adapting to the changing seasonal and yearly macrocosmic influences, and nourishing one’s self preventively. This is the way to a long and happy life.”
— Nei Jing