DOSE for Your Liver: A Gentle Detox with Big Benefits
Product Review of Dose for your Liver, a tasty herbal elixir.
Traveling Internationally with Kids: Essential Natural Products for Your First Aid Kit
Traveling the world with children is such a rewarding experience, albeit sometimes stressful. Being prepared with natural remedies and a proper first aid kit is essential!
What is the San Jiao in Traditional Chinese Medicine?
In this article, we dive into the essence of the San Jiao and its significance as three distinct divisions, and one complete system, of the body.
What Chinese Medicine Says About Aging
This article explores what Chinese Medicine teaches us about aging gracefully, and the important role of food, herbs, and exercise in maintaining vitality and well-being as we age.
Spleen Qi Deficiency–What is it and How to Deal With It.
Spleen Qi Deficiency is a very common imbalance in Chinese Medicine. This article explains what that means, and what to do about it. It offers lifestyle suggestions as well as food choices, while giving an extensive overview of the theory attached from TCM.
Natural Remedies for the Stomach Bug
The Stomach Bug can be quick and dirty. Here are some natural options to help soothe.
Elimination Diet
The Elimination diet is the “gold standard” when it comes to figuring out food sensitivities. This 3-5 week protocol can help you make individualized health choices to optimize your digestive function.
Using Chinese Herbs in Everyday Cooking
Looking for ways to incorporate herbs into your daily life? This article gives some of the most common, and delicious, food grade herbs to help improve your health and your cooking!
Tongue Diagnosis In Chinese Medicine
Discover how Traditional Chinese Medicine uses tongue diagnosis to reveal imbalances in Qi, Blood, and Organ health.
What is Cupping Therapy? How Is It Used And What Are The Benefits
Cupping therapy is an amazing and feel-good modality that can help a wide variety of aliments. Read on to learn more.
Chinese Medicine and the Large Intestine
The Large Intestine is an important Organ System of the Metal element in TCM. Read on to learn more about its significance and role in keeping you healthy and balanced.
Healthy Cashew Chia Pudding
This delicious snack is vegan, paleo, gluten-free, and AMAZING! It is very versatile and full of protein to keep you energized and feeling good! Check out this article for an easy recipe.
Ritual Bathing–Salt Pairings for Bath Time
Explore ways to make your bath more ritualistic and healing through herbs, salts, and scents.
Natural Medicine and Chinese Medicine for Children
In this article, we will explore how natural medicine techniques, herbs, and Chinese medicine can be incredibly useful for children's health.
NORA Tea for Third Trimester and Postpartum
NORA tea, a popular herbal blend of Nettles, Oatstraw, Red Raspberry Leaf, and Alfalfa, offers unique benefits, making this tea an ideal choice for late-term pregnancy and postpartum recovery.
Fertility Nutrition–A Chinese Medicine Perspective
This article explores the nutritional principles of TCM and how they can be applied to support fertility naturally.