Spleen Qi Deficiency–What is it and How to Deal With It.
Spleen Qi Deficiency is a very common imbalance in Chinese Medicine. This article explains what that means, and what to do about it. It offers lifestyle suggestions as well as food choices, while giving an extensive overview of the theory attached from TCM.
Healthy Cashew Chia Pudding
This delicious snack is vegan, paleo, gluten-free, and AMAZING! It is very versatile and full of protein to keep you energized and feeling good! Check out this article for an easy recipe.
List of Damp Foods
This article provides a concise explanation of Dampness in Traditional Chinese Medicine and highlights foods to avoid if experiencing related symptoms.
Chinese Medicine Diet Recommendations
Chinese Dietary therapy is a unique way at looking at food choice and how they interact with our bodies. This article give an in-depth explanation and hopefully makes it easy to incorporate into your life.
Herbal Chicken Soup Recipe
Here is a great recipe to help boost your immune system and keep you strong and healthy this winter time!
Dampness in Traditional Chinese Medicine
By recognizing the manifestations of dampness, identifying its signs and symptoms, and incorporating dampness-clearing foods into your diet, you can work towards restoring balance and promoting overall well-being. This sticle will explain signs and symptoms of Dampness, and offer a few solutions.
Chinese Medicine Nutrition; Spleen Qi Deficiency–Dampness versus Dryness within the Diet
This article give a brief overview of how food choices impact our internal environment. Dampness and Dryness are explored from a TCM perspective.