Pelvic Steaming- What Is It and What Are The Benefits?


Pelvic steaming, also known as vaginal steaming or yoni steaming, is an amazing, empowering, and healing feminine ritual. It combines the healing properties of herbs and the warming, beneficial properties of heat and steam to access this deep, sensitive area of a woman’s body. It is a beautiful and introspective experience that can help improve health in the spiritual, mental, and physical realms.

Pelvic/Vaginal/Yoni herbal steaming has been used for thousands of years all around the world. It is also known as “bajos” from Latin American cultures and is widely esteemed in combination with Mayan Abdominal Massage. Vaginal Steaming is a gentle way to help treat a wide range of gynecological, such as endometriosis/amenorrhea/dysmenorrhea, as well as deep-rooted emotional conditions. Selecting the correct combination of herbs is important as the steam interacts with the sensitive tissue of the vaginal canal and allows the medicinal properties of the herbs to be easily assimilated into the body. Choosing herbs to fit your intentions and needs is a very important aspect of steaming and will be discussed more below. It is beneficial in the beginning to consult with an herbalist or pelvic floor specialist to find the right combination to fit your needs.

This article will discuss the uses and benefits of herbal pelvic steaming, contraindications, and a few simple tips to get started. I will also list a bunch of resources for you to look into so you can dive deeper into this amazing modality.

Herbal Steam Appointments available at Wild Earth Acupuncture, Portland Oregon

Herbal Steam Appointments available at Wild Earth Acupuncture, Portland Oregon

What is Vaginal Steaming?

Vaginal herbal steaming is a great way to help increase circulation and bring a healing warmth, infused with the therapeutic properties of herbal medicine, to the body. Essentially, you need to sit above a bowl of steaming water infused with a specific herbal “tea” chosen uniquely for its medicinal properties and therapeutic benefits to help regain balance. The steam comes into direct contact with the uncovered pelvic region and acts as a warm “steam bath” that activates, soothes, and restores the vaginal tissue and reproductive organs. The volatile oils from the herbs are extremely therapeutic and have amazing health benefits. During this process, the body must be kept warm, wrapped in a blanket, or basking in the warm sunshine.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), stagnation and cold, especially in the reproductive organs, can have detrimental impacts on a woman’s health. When Blood, Qi, or lymph circulation is impaired, reproductive organs may not function properly, and conditions such as pain, irregular cycles, cysts, or infertility may arise. Bringing warmth and the healing benefits of herbal medicine can help to rectify these issues. Within TCM, an herb called Moxa is often used to help increase circulation, reduce pain, and provide warmth to certain areas of the body, organ systems, or meridians, and can be a beneficial addition to pelvic steam herbal combinations.

Uses and Benefits of Pelvic Steaming

  • Boost Fertility

Herbal steaming can help increase fertility due to its warming and circulatory impact. A warm uterus is a happy one. :) This can also be a time to help manifest your intentions about creating a family and release worry and stress around the process. Know that this process can be done by men as well to help with reproductive/ prostate health and emotional support!

  • Regulate/ Balance Hormones and Menstrual Cycle

Vaginal steaming can help to balance an irregular cycle

  • Reduction of PMS symptoms

The herbs combined with the heat can help to remove stagnation and pain associated with pre-menstruation, such as cramps and bloating. Herbal steaming can help improve blood circulation and remove stagnation and cramps from the endometrial lining, ensuring an easier and smoother flow.

  • Improve Gynecological Disorders

Issues such as Endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and uterine prolapse can all benefit from regular herbal steam sessions.

  • Prolapse of Reproductive Organs

Often used with Maya Abdominal Massage specific herbal blends can help rectify prolapsed or tilted reproductive organs.

  • Postpartum and Post-Miscarriage Care

These steam sessions are known to help quicken the body’s ability to repair the vaginal canal and tone the reproductive organs after childbirth.

  • Emotional Healing and Release

Unfortunately, many women have experienced emotional and sexual trauma; the herbal sessions can help to move through these deep-rooted issues and make space for healing.

  • Increase Self-awareness, Femininity, and Self- Worth

This experience can help facilitate a deeper connection with oneself and allow space for healing and growth.

  • Peri-menopause and Menopause Support

Side effects of this stage of a woman's life, such as dryness and hot flashes, are not necessary and can be mediated with herbal steaming and Acupuncture!


Contraindications and Safety

  • Our vaginal tissue is very sensitive, so it is important to remember a few things when embarking upon this journey. The steam is very hot, so you want to be mindful during this experience and adjust your position or the lid on the pot to manage the temperature.

  • As this practice can be very beneficial for many conditions and life stages, it should be avoided during pregnancy. It is an amazing ally for postpartum, but DO NOT STEAM during pregnancy, or even if you think you are pregnant but are not fully sure it is best to take caution. If you are actively trying to conceive, do not steam after ovulation during your cycle's second half (luteal phase).

  • Do not steam while you are menstruating. It is best to wait until you are finished actively bleeding or right before your cycle begins. If your cycle is pretty irregular, you can look into seed cycling to help balance your hormones and regulate your monthly cycle. Steaming at the end of a cycle can help the body remove any lingering built-up blood, while steaming the week before you bleed can help with a wide range of premenstrual symptoms.

  • I do not recommend using essential oils in combination with bulk herbs as they can be a bit too harsh and can burn the sensitive tissue of the vaginal canal. The bulk herbal blends are strong, effective, and safe enough.

  • Remember to keep warm during the steam session. Cover your feet with warm slippers or socks and wrap your body in a robe or comfy blanket. If you are located in a tropical area, the warm sun may suffice, but I still suggest keeping the body covered and away from drafts.

  • Steaming should be avoided in conditions such as active infections or with a current diagnosis of cancer. Please contact your medical provider to learn more. Do not steam if you are presenting with any signs of damp heat disorders or active infections. These can manifest as conditions such as material vaginosis, candida, bacterial infections, yeast infections, or herpes outbreaks.

  • Often women experience changes in their vaginal discharge or menstruation after steaming, such as increased leukorrhea or discharge of brown blood. These are signs that the body is cleansing impurities or old stagnation. It is very rare, but if you notice excessive bleeding or pain, discontinue use.

Things You Need to Get Started

There are a few things to gather and learn about in the beginning, but once you have this established, you can settle into this healing and nourishing routine.

  1. Steaming bench- This is a unique stool made to help facilities ease during your herbal steam sessions. If you do not have access or means to acquire a bench such as this there are a few other options. I started by finding an old wooden chair from Goodwill cutting an oval hole in the middle of the seat, sanding the edges, and chopping the legs nice and short. DIY at its finest. If this isn’t your thing, then you can always squat/kneel over the bowl of herbs. This is just as effective but might lead to shorter steam sessions and might not be as relaxing. Also, you can use the toilet as the stem bench- for this method you need to find a bowl that fits perfectly into the seat and place your steaming herbs into this bowl. This method will allow less space between your body and the steam, so take caution and allow the water to cool down a bit before sitting. You want to ensure you feel comfortable, warm, and supported in whatever position you choose.

  2. Herbal mixture and Fresh Water- The herbal blend used should be specific to what your body and mind need to help facilitate healing. Fresh or dried herbs can be used, but I suggest picking one type for each session. About 5 quarts of water can be used for a session, equivalent to 1 cup of dried herbs or 4 cups of fresh herbs. The herbs should be organic and of high quality. I will list some herbal blends below and some suggestions for sourcing.

  3. Cooking Pot with Lid- This pot is used to hold your herbs during the steam. You can also place the pot upon an electric hot plate to extend the steam sessions.

The Process

  • Set up your bench in a comfortable location. I think that setting up sacred space is an integral part of this process. It doesn’t need to be fancy and ornate but comfortable, safe, and quiet. If you feel called, you can spend a little time setting intentions or decorating with a few crystals and flowers. The same goes if you are not using a bench, grab your yoga mat or a bunch of blankets, a journal, and make yourself comfortable! This is a great time to disconnect from social media, turn off your phone, and turn up the introspection.

  • Boil about 5 quarts of water ( or whatever fits best into your vessel) and place all your herbs into your lidded pot. Slowly pour the boiling water into the herbal blend. Cover and let the herbs steep and infuse for about 5- 10 minutes before transferring the bowl under your bench. Take caution as the steam can be very hot initially; allow it to cool until a comfortable temperature before taking a seat. You can use the lid to help with the amount of steam released and temperature regulation.

  • Undress from the waist down and make sure you will stay warm enough. This is a great time to grab your cozy socks, slippers, and favorite blanket or robe to stay warm. Take a set upon your bench and wrap up.

  • Slowly remove the lid from the pot, adjusting your position and the amount of steam being released. The heat should be comforting and not at all intense or burning. Proceed cautiously, knowing that the steam will be hottest at first and will cool down throughout the herbal steam session.

  • The steam session can last 15-30 minutes. Allow this time to be introspective and quiet. You can practice meditation, do a body scan, read something inspirational, or listen to some music.


Herbal Blends

The art of combining herbs for various conditions allows this method to be so effective. Herbs are potent health allies and each herb has unique medicinal properties, as well as a synergy with other herbs. Herbs may be used fresh or dried; just note the various ratio for each preparation (5 quarts water: 1 cup dried or 5 quarts water: 4 cups fresh herbs) Within traditional Mayan practices, herbs used for steaming were common plants like Lemon Balm, Oregano, Chamomile, Basil, Rosemary, Motherwort, Damiana, Dandelion, Horsetail, Yellow Dock and Calendula.

When dealing with specific conditions or needs, it is important to pick an herbal blend that will support the body. Many amazing herbalists combine herbs for specific conditions, so it is best to consult an herbalist to pick a blend that is right for you.

A simple blend that I like to use combines a bunch of healing flowers such as lavender, calendula, motherwort, and rose. It is a beautiful herbal blend to help improve circulation and boost self-love and healing. This is a great all-around combination for women not dealing with any specific conditions other than wanting to improve overall reproductive wellness. ( 1/4 cup of each dried herb used)

I love to incorporate roses into my steam sessions not only for their intoxicating aroma and skin-healing capacity but also because roses are connected to self-love and growth. 

Other Empowering Feminine Rituals



  • Arvigo Therapy Maya Abdominal Massage- This technique is amazing for all sorts of reproductive, feminine, and lower sacral issues. The website is full of information and inspiration.

  • Steamy Chick- Another great resource to learn more about vaginal steaming and purchase high-quality products and herbal steam blends.

  • Mountain Rose Herbs- This herbal distributor carries some of the most potent and well-nourished herbs, spices, and teas. I highly recommend their products.

  • Wild Feminine- This book written by Tammy Kent is an empowering and amazing resource. It is not specifically focused on vaginal steaming but on pelvic floor health. It’s a must-read!  

*Please consult a well-versed healthcare practitioner to see if this is right for you, and feel free to reach out for additional information. Please do note that all information on this website is used only for educational and informational information and is not to take the place of any professional medical advice.



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