Facial Cupping: Benefits, How to Do It, and Cautions

Facial cupping has surged in popularity as a non-invasive way to promote glowing, healthy skin. This technique, rooted in ancient Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), uses small cups, made of glass or silicon, to create gentle suction on the skin, enhancing circulation and helping to rejuvenate the face. Let’s explore the benefits, how to perform facial cupping at home, and essential cautions to keep in mind.

What Is Facial Cupping?

Facial cupping is a skin-care practice that involves placing specialized small, cups on the face. By creating suction, the cups lift and stimulate the skin, encouraging blood flow and the movement of lymphatic fluid. This practice promotes healing and balances the flow of energy within the body, particularly on the face, or whereever the cupping is performed.

Benefits of Facial Cupping

Improves Circulation

The suction of the cups draws blood to the surface, improving oxygenation and delivering vital nutrients to the skin cells. This enhanced circulation can result in a brighter complexion and healthier-looking skin.

Boosts Collagen Production

Stimulating the facial tissues helps to boost collagen and elastin production, which are essential for maintaining skin elasticity. This can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Reduces Puffiness and Inflammation

Facial cupping is effective at reducing puffiness by promoting lymphatic drainage. It helps to clear out toxins and excess fluids, leaving the skin refreshed and toned.

Relieves Tension

The suction can also ease muscle tension in the face and jaw, which is particularly beneficial for those who grind their teeth or suffer from tension headaches.

Enhances Product Absorption

By stimulating the skin and opening pores, facial cupping can help skincare products penetrate deeper, allowing serums and creams to work more effectively.

How to Perform Facial Cupping at Home

Performing facial cupping at home is simple, but it’s important to follow the proper technique to avoid bruising or damaging the skin.

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Cleanse Your Face- Start with a clean face to remove dirt, makeup, and oil.

2. Apply Oil- Use a nourishing face oil to ensure the cups glide smoothly. Oils like jojoba, rosehip, or argan oil work well. This also helps protect the skin from the tugging motion of the cups.

3. Choose the Right Cups- Use small, soft silicone or glass cups specifically designed for facial cupping. These are more gentle and safe for the delicate skin of the face.

4. Create Gentle Suction- Gently press the cup against the skin and squeeze slightly to create a light suction. Move the cup in upward, sweeping motions, working from the center of the face outward toward the ears and hairline.

5. Focus on Different Areas- Spend time on the cheeks, jawline, forehead, and under the eyes, but be extra gentle around the delicate eye area.

6. Timing- Perform facial cupping for about 5-10 minutes once or twice a week. You should feel a gentle pulling sensation, but it should never be painful, or leave marks.

Cautions and Contraindications

Facial cupping is generally safe, but there are some important precautions to keep in mind:

  • Bruising- Applying too much suction or staying in one area for too long can cause bruising. Keep the cups moving to avoid this.

  • Sensitive Skin- If you have sensitive or rosacea-prone skin, use the lightest pressure and proceed with caution.

  • Avoid Active Breakouts- Don’t perform facial cupping over acne, open wounds, or inflamed skin, as it could aggravate the condition.

  • Consult a Professional- If you’re unsure about trying it at home, consider visiting a licensed practitioner for professional facial cupping treatments.

Body vs. Facial Cupping: What’s the Difference?

While cupping is often performed on areas like the back, neck, and shoulders to relieve muscle tension and stagnation, the technique differs significantly when applied to the face. For body cupping, the marks left behindβ€”often deep red or purpleβ€”are seen as a sign of releasing stagnation and toxins from the body. These marks can last several days and are considered a normal part of the healing process.

However, when it comes to facial cupping, you should avoid leaving any noticeable marks. The goal is to achieve only a light red hue, if anything at all, indicating improved circulation rather than stagnation release. If you notice deeper red marks or bruising on your face, it’s a sign that the suction is too strong. Always aim for a gentle, gliding motion with minimal suction to protect the delicate facial skin. This gentle approach ensures that facial cupping provides rejuvenating benefits without any risk of damaging the skin or leaving unwanted marks.

Facial cupping is a natural and non-invasive way to boost your skincare routine. With benefits ranging from improved circulation to tension relief, it’s a versatile practice that can leave your skin glowing and rejuvenated. Just remember to follow the proper techniques and consult with a professional if you have any skin concerns.


1. Can facial cupping help with wrinkles?

Yes, facial cupping stimulates collagen production, which can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles over time.

2. Is facial cupping painful?

No, when done correctly, facial cupping should not be painful. You should only feel gentle suction.

3. How often can I do facial cupping?

It’s recommended to perform facial cupping 1-2 times a week for the best results.




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