Juicing for Vitality

Juicing for Vitality: A Modern Take with Traditional Chinese Medicine Insights

The Benefits of Juicing

Juicing is a great way to boost vitality, offering a concentrated source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Freshly extracted juices can provide an immediate influx of nutrients, helping to rejuvenate the body, enhance energy levels, and support digestive health. By breaking down fruits and vegetables into their liquid forms, juicing allows for easier absorption of nutrients, making it an excellent option for those looking to nourish their bodies quickly.

From a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perspective, juicing can be seen as a way to nourish the body’s essence (Jing) and vital energy (Qi). When done mindfully, juicing can support the Organs, particularly the Spleen, Liver, and Kidneys, which are crucial for detoxification and energy production, and help tonify Qi and boost Blood. As with all things Chinese Medicine Nutrition, the deeper energetics of the foods we ingest determine the benefits for our individual system. Not all diets or nutritional ideologies work for everyone. Read on to learn more.

Giving Digestion a "Rest"

One key benefit of juicing is that it gives the digestive system a much-needed break, from digesting fiber that is. Unlike whole foods, which require the body to work harder to extract nutrients, juices can be easy on the digestive tract. This can be especially beneficial when the digestive system is overburdened or sluggish. In TCM, this aligns with conserving Spleen Qi—the energy responsible for digestion and transforming food into nutrients.

By consuming juices, you can reduce the load on your Spleen and Stomach, allowing these organs to recuperate. This is particularly important for those experiencing symptoms of Spleen Qi deficiency, such as fatigue, bloating, or poor appetite. However, it’s important to remember here that juicing should complement a balanced diet and not replace whole foods entirely, as too many raw cold foods can aggravate Spleen Qi deficiency patterns. Some people like to do “juice cleanses”, but we won’t talk about that here in this article, just the occasional addition of juices to a healthy balanced diet. As I'm sure you are aware, everyone has unique dietary needs, and one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to diet. The same is true for juicing. Making sure the juices you choose align with your health goals and constitution will be very important as you incorporate this into your life.

The Celery Juice Craze

Celery juice has gained immense popularity in recent years, touted for its potential health benefits. From a TCM perspective, celery is considered a cooling food, which can help to clear heat from the Liver and calm the mind. This makes it a suitable choice for those with excess heat in the body, manifesting as irritability, redness, or inflammation. However, for individuals with Spleen Qi deficiency or those prone to coldness, combining celery with warming ingredients like ginger is advisable to create a more balanced juice. I think this is a great recipe if you want to incorporate celery, and is great for promoting vitality, supporting digestion, and balancing Liver Qi;

Celery, Lemon & Ginger Juice for Vitality


  • 4 stalks of celery

  • 1 lemon (peeled)

  • 1-inch piece of fresh ginger (peeled)

  • 1 apple (optional for sweetness)

  • 1/2 cup of water (optional, for a smoother consistency)


1. Wash the celery stalks thoroughly, peel the lemon and ginger.

2. Feed the celery, lemon, and ginger into your juicer. If you want a touch of sweetness, add the apple.

3. If the juice is too thick, add a little water and stir.

4. Pour the juice into a glass and enjoy immediately for maximum vitality!

TCM Benefits:

  • Celery- Clears heat and calms the Liver, promoting a cooling and soothing effect.

  • Lemon- Aids digestion and helps move stagnant Qi.

  • Ginger- Warms the body, promotes digestion, and boosts the immune system.

Juicing to Support Common Patterns and Constitutions

  1. Supporting Spleen Qi Deficiency

For individuals with Spleen Qi deficiency, it’s essential to be mindful of the types of juices consumed. Cold, raw juices might further weaken the Spleen’s function, leading to more dampness in the body, a common TCM diagnosis associated with Spleen Qi deficiency. To counteract this, consider adding warming ingredients to your juices, such as ginger, turmeric, or a pinch of cinnamon. These ingredients can help to warm the digestive system and invigorate the Spleen, making juicing a supportive practice rather than a detrimental one. If you tend to run with a damper, colder digestive system, incorporating warming elements into your juices is a great way to align the practice of juicing with TCM principles. Ginger, a widely used herb in TCM, is known for its warming properties and ability to aid digestion. Adding it to your juice enhances flavor and helps balance the cool nature of most fruits and vegetables. Similarly, spices like turmeric and cinnamon can add warmth and stimulate digestion, making them excellent additions for those with a tendency towards coldness or digestive issues.

Spleen Qi Power Juice


  • 1 carrot (great for digestion and gives the spleen some love)

  • 1 apple (keeps that Qi strong and happy)

  • 2 celery stalks (calming for digestion and refreshing)

  • 1-inch fresh ginger (adds a bit of warmth to wake up your spleen)

  • 1/2 inch fresh turmeric juice (for blood and Qi flow, and warmth)

  • 1/2 fennel bulb (helps keep bloating at bay)

  • 1 lemon (zesty and helps the digestive flow)


  1. Wash everything up and peel the ginger.

  2. Slice the carrot, apple, celery, fennel, and ginger into juicer-friendly sizes.

  3. Juice it all together, starting with the celery and finishing with the ginger for that final kick.

  4. Stir, sip, and enjoy!

2. Easing Stomach Fire

Stomach fire in Traditional Chinese Medicine refers to an excess of heat in the Stomach, often manifesting as acid reflux, excessive hunger, bad breath, or a burning sensation in the upper abdomen. To ease Stomach fire, cooling and hydrating juices can be particularly effective. Ingredients like cucumber, pear, and aloe vera are known for their cooling properties and can help soothe the stomach lining, reduce inflammation, and balance excessive heat. Incorporating these ingredients into your juicing routine can provide relief and help restore harmony to your digestive system.

Cooling Stomach Fire Juice


  • 1 cucumber (clears heat and hydrates)

  • 2 celery stalks (cooling and calming for the Stomach)

  • 1 green apple (helps reduce heat and soothe the digestive system)

  • 1 small handful of mint leaves (cooling and refreshing for heat-related conditions)

  • 1/2 bitter melon (strongly clears heat from the stomach and liver)

  • 1 lemon (clears heat and aids digestion)


  1. Wash all ingredients thoroughly.

  2. Remove seeds from the bitter melon if desired for a milder flavor.

  3. Cut the cucumber, apple, and celery into pieces that fit your juicer.

  4. Juice all ingredients, starting with the cucumber and ending with mint leaves.

  5. Stir well and drink immediately for the most cooling effect

3. Boosting Kidney Qi

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Kidneys are considered the root of vitality, governing essential life energy known as Kidney Qi. A depletion of Kidney Qi can lead to fatigue, lower back pain, and a general sense of weakness. Juicing can be a valuable addition to your wellness routine to boost Kidney Qi when it includes ingredients that nourish and strengthen the kidneys. Dark, nutrient-dense foods like blackberries, blueberries, and beets are particularly beneficial as they align with the water element associated with the Kidneys. Additionally, adding warming spices like cinnamon, ginger, or other vitality-boosting herbs can help invigorate Kidney Qi, promoting greater energy and overall vitality.

Kidney Qi Boosting Juice

  • Ingredients

  • 1 cucumber (hydrates and supports the Kidney’s cooling function)

  • 1 pear(nourishes yin and fluids)

  • 1 cup blueberries (strengthens Kidney essence)

  • 1 beet (supports Blood and Kidney vitality)

  • 1-inch fresh ginger (warms and moves Kidney Yang)

  • 1 small bunch of parsley (cleanses and supports kidney function)

  • 1 lemon (enhances digestion and refreshes)


1. Wash all ingredients thoroughly.

2. Peel the beet and ginger.

3. Cut the cucumber, pear, and beet into pieces that fit your juicer.

4. Juice all ingredients together, starting with the softer fruits like pear and ending with ginger and parsley.

5. Stir well and enjoy fresh.

Juicing can be a powerful tool for enhancing vitality when approached with mindfulness and balance. By considering the principles of TCM, such as the state of your Spleen Qi and the thermal nature of the ingredients, you can tailor your juices to support your unique constitution. Whether you’re looking to rest your digestion, boost your energy levels, or simply enjoy the vibrant flavors of fresh produce, juicing offers a refreshing way to nourish your body from the inside out.

I have moved through a lot of juicers in my life and have found myself discouraged if they are hard to clean or do not produce much juice and leave a lot of waste. So I think its important to find a juicer you enjoy! Recently, I have switched to the Hurom Juicer, which has a higher yield, and I love the “Slow Squeeze Technology,” which uses an auger to squeeze out juice (similar to how you would hand-squeeze an orange) instead of shredding fruits and vegetables with high-speed blades like other juicers and blenders. This natural motion minimizes damage to ingredients, keeping natural taste and nutrition intact.



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